

格雷格	Fritzberg



电子邮件: gregf@quanluo.net
电话: 206-281-2363
办公室: 彼得森大厅 415

教育: BA, 太平洋路德大学, 1985; MA, 富勒神学院, 1992; PhD, 华盛顿大学, 1998. 从2001年开始在SPU工作.

格雷格Fritzberg grew up near 西雅图 in Edmonds, 华盛顿, and now lives in 西雅图 with his wife (two grown children). Dr. Fritzberg is the son of a school teacher and principal, and after a few years in the Young Life youth ministry landed in the K–12 educational world like his parents.

While teaching at an alternative high school in the Skyway neighborhood of South 西雅图, Dr. Fritzberg completed the MA in Theology from Fuller Seminary that he began while in Young Life, and later completed a PhD in 教育领导 and 政策 Studies at the 华盛顿大学 in 1998. After beginning his college teaching career at Whitworth University in Spokane, 华盛顿, 他于2001年来到好的赌博软件推荐.

Dr. Fritzberg’s scholarly writing has focused on the policy implications of equality of educational opportunity in the United States. His attempts to live out the values espoused in his writings include extensive involvement with the 西雅图 Public 学校, 他在哪里教过课, 项目咨询, and led a tutoring non-profit that served 30 西雅图 public schools.

Dr. Fritzberg also teaches master’s and doctoral-level courses addressing moral issues involved in the education of children.


As founder of University Tutors for 西雅图 学校 (UTSS), 主任(2012 - 17), UTSS SPU liaison and previous projects, 大约5美元,650,以赠款方式采购, 合同, 2005年以来的捐款. UTSS has employed over 350 individual tutors, including many graduate students in education, with approximately 100 additional SPU federal work-study students placed in schools through UTSS and three years of SPU tutoring programming preceding the formation of UTSS in 2012. 

16 scholarly articles published, 10 in peer-reviewed journals; one book published; four popular press essays published; 16 national and international presentations; three radio interviews, 地方和国家, 包括美国国家公共电台的 全盘考虑; five years editor of 情境课程 with three national awards; four years chair of Curriculum and 指令 master’s program; 14 graduate and undergraduate courses taught; currently completing 23 years as education professor, 19 years at 好的赌博软件推荐; urban alternative schoolteacher and youth minister prior to entering higher education.

建立并资助25美元,000 Research Dissemination Fund for SPU 教育学院 faculty in 2016-17.

请查看 Dr. 弗里茨伯格的完整简历(PDF) 欲知更多详情.



格雷格Fritzberg, 教育学教授

“I teach what educators call ‘foundations’ courses addressing philosophical, 神学, 历史, and sociological issues in K-12 education because it blends my passion for rigorous inquiry with the practical demands of serving children who populate the schools in our city. I love conversing with SPU graduate students about education in our nation, 状态, 和城市, partially because of the rich, practical knowledge they bring to our classroom.”